You probably heard that you can get your Dolce and Gabbana, Oscar de la Renta, Hermès, Marc Jacobs, and Chanel designer outfits insured. But did you know that you can make your bag happy story last by getting your handbags insured? Yes you heard it right, you can get handbag insurance in the US for your most treasured handbags!
According to, a rare or well designed bag is a worthwhile investment. It may be counterintuitive but resale prices for such bags can rise with the passing of time. Handbag insurance is one way to keep your bags valuable over the years.
Handbag insurance protects your precious collection of designer handbags from possible theft, fire and water damage and even includes coverage for some of your valuables.
Depending on the handbag insurance policy, handbag insurance would be able to cover the value of your leather handbag and your belongings inside, in your home or outside of it so you can confidently and safely, enjoy your favorite handbag more.
There are many insurance companies that provide insurance for handbags that include accidental damage, theft and loss. They can cover all types of authentic, designer handbags and you can even include your personal items inside! Some of them offer the handbag insurance within a personal property or homeownerâs policy so be sure to read fine prints and check.
Yes, absolutely! Why? Because your house can burn down to the ground, get flooded by leaks from the 2nd floor bathroom or robbed by fashionable thieves. Youâd be surprised how much thieves are drawn to rare and designer handbags.Â
Your homeownerâs insurance may not be covering your prized belongings, or it may cover but classify your treasured handbags as regular belongings. Losing your leather handbag may be heartbreaking but you will soon realize that you'll be better off with handbag insurance so you can buy another one, well in some cases!
Some people donât know this but you can insure your handbag with a home and contents insurance policy. Check the policy if your handbag is covered, or you could always change policies and get one that includes insurance for your handbag.
Insuring just your bag and whatâs inside? Single item insurance is the one for you. It offers similar coverage for fire, flood, thief and whatnot as other policies but only for selected items.
No matter the handbag insurance policy, it is still important to take care of your leather bags rare or expensive handbag or not, through cold or hot weather when using it. This is the surefire way to make your handbag last a lifetime with you.